Start the New Year Smart So You Can Finish Strong
For some people, this time of year comes hand-in-hand with a familiar trope—making and breaking resolutions. But with thoughtful connection and intentionality, business leaders can create realistic expectations, shape company culture, inspire optimism and ensure engagement in the year ahead.
4 Steps to Take the Stress Out of Company Holiday Cards
Purpose, design, customization and mailing services, this easy guide covers it all and will make the process of sending company holiday cards smooth and effortless.
5 Surprising Ways Businesses Use Hallmark Cards to Reach Their Goals
Small business owners, real estate agents, financial advisors, lawyers, marketing professionals. No matter what line of work you’re in, you’re likely looking to find the best way to connect with your customers and clients.
7 Reasons Why Your Business Needs to Send Customer Birthday Cards
Customer birthday cards present a valuable opportunity for your business to recognize customers personally. Consider sending real, paper Hallmark birthday cards—it will generate a big impact on your customers and your business.