Greeting Cards Create Genuine Connections with Hispanic Customers and Employees
You probably already know that creating a connection with your Hispanic employees and customers requires more than translating a few words into Spanish … quite a bit more, actually. Businesses that are thriving in today’s diverse multicultural landscape know that their Hispanic clients and team memb…
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5 Ways to Show Gratitude to Essential Workers During National Customer Service Week
Recognizing Customer Service Week (Oct 4 - 8) is more important than ever in our current climate. Team members are working hard to put customers first. Even though many budgets have been shaved and employees may still be telecommuting, employers owe it to the staff that delivers their customer exper…
3 Unexpected Reasons Why Company Holiday Cards Are Trendy Again
With the upcoming holiday season, there’s no better time to show your appreciation. A great format for expressing that gratitude is a Hallmark card—and it's never been easier.
5 Reasons to Send Business Thanksgiving Cards to Clients | Strengthen and Build Relationships With Greeting Cards
It’s always good business to thank your customers and employees—it creates a connection, making them feel good and inspiring a sense of loyalty. Luckily, the perfect holiday to demonstrate your appreciation also happens to kick off the holiday season: Thanksgiving.
4 Steps to Take the Stress Out of Company Holiday Cards
Purpose, design, customization and mailing services, this easy guide covers it all and will make the process of sending company holiday cards smooth and effortless.
Administrative Professionals Day: What To Do, What To Say and Why It Matters
Administrative Professionals Day. National Secretaries Day. Admin Day. Whatever you call it, it’s worth marking on your calendar. However, too many businesses let the holiday slip by uncelebrated. It takes just minutes to make employees feel appreciated. Check out our ideas below to get started reco…
Lunar New Year Insights for Your Global Business
We'll help you understand the holiday and how your business might participate in it.
4 Tips for Writing an Administrative Professional's Day Card
They may oftentimes work behind the scenes, but our offices wouldn’t be nearly as productive without our secretaries, receptionists, support professionals and administrative assistants.