
All Gains, No Losses | Effective Marketing Ideas for Accounting Firms and Financial Professionals

Unlock the secrets to effective marketing for accounting firms and financial professionals with these innovative strategies. Learn how personalized in…
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Hallmark Celebrates Customer Experience with a Custom Card for CX Day

“Having personally been at Hallmark and experienced their creative studios, I am delighted to see their special talents are back for the fifth year to create a special touch for our members, partners and sponsors with a unique card, just for the CXPA,” says Diane Magers, CEO of CXPA. “This card is a…
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Here’s How to Show Your Customers and Employees You Care Enough

Sprint partnered with Hallmark Business Connections to create a branded card for a customer thank you campaign. Building strong relationships with customers and employees is crucial for business success. Our latest article reveals how personalized Hallmark cards can make a significant impact. Learn …
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What Can a Hallmark Card Do for Your Business? Here are 10 Inspiring Examples.

Here are 10 examples of how we're helping companies grow—one Hallmark card at a time. Because stronger, more meaningful connections with customers and employees is always good business. Plus, we have the stats to prove it.
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Female reading card from mail at home

Hallmark Cards Create Positive Social Media Buzz for SRP

SRP customer service representatives recently shared their experiences with the Customer Care program.
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Female smiling and laughing with friend

Hallmark Cards Are a Customer Experience

An envelope that stands out in the mail. An unexpected card sitting on your desk as you arrive for your first day at a new job. The Hallmark seal that you can’t wait to unstick to see who was thoughtful enough to give you a card. A Hallmark welcome card makes new employees, clients and customers fee…
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