Article | Marketing

5 Inspirational Examples of Corporate Social Responsibility in Marketing

Kim Totty
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P with appreciation thxg inside personalization

Standing out from the competition can be challenging when the marketplace is already crowded. However, companies that demonstrate an obligation to various philanthropic causes are generally perceived as more marketable than companies whose social responsibility activities are seemingly nonexistent. Thus, the marketing of social responsibility is important for businesses that want to keep or attract consumers with mindsets toward the environment, social issues and economic growth.

No longer is it enough for companies to just promote their services or products. Consumers increasingly want to support brands that offer not only functional benefits but a social purpose as well.

Here are just a few inspirational examples of how companies have taken social stands in very visible ways, as well as a few examples of Hallmark initiatives worth noting:

1. State Farm Neighborhood of Good™


State Farm’s Neighborhood of Good® program makes it possible for people to find and volunteer for causes they care about right in their neighborhoods. And since State Farm’s business is built on the idea of helping people, the Neighborhood of Good® movement aligns with its vision and mission. Hallmark Business Connections has been proud to assist State Farm in marketing the Neighborhood of Good® initiative through custom greeting cards.

2. Zappos for Good

Zappos has an entire organization dedicated to charity. Zappos for Good works with charitable organizations to donate goods such as backpacks, shoes, books and school supplies to those in need. Therefore, Zappos is not only known for its company culture, but also for its social responsibility initiatives.

3. Microsoft

The company’s computers have dramatically changed the way we work, play and study. But for founder Bill Gates, that simply wasn’t enough. In 1983, the company began its “giving program.” To support its employees’ passion for giving, the company matches employee donations of time and money to nonprofit organizations. This has worked to Microsoft’s advantage in the marketing space as well.

4. Centene Corporation

In the health and wellness industry, social responsibility plays a large role in marketing and public relations. Centene Corporation has gone above and beyond to act socially responsible, and as a result, has experienced positive PR buzz and marketing opportunities. Earlier this year, the Centene Charitable Foundation and 15 local health plans joined forces with a nonprofit known as Beyond Differences to celebrate No One Eats Alone Day. By partnering with 40 schools and over 6,000 students, Centene helped demonstrate inclusion by encouraging students to sit with others they didn’t know or who may feel left out. It’s courageous acts like this that help put Centene Corporation at the forefront of social responsibility in the healthcare industry.

5. Hallmark


When you care enough, you can change the world. That’s a bold statement, and with it comes being socially responsible. As the B2B subsidiary of Hallmark, Hallmark Business Connections puts social responsibility at the forefront both within the organization and when developing marketing initiatives for our clients.

From “It’s a Wrap!” for the Salvation Army to CANstruction for the fight against hunger, partnering with local charitable causes to providing United Way leadership, Hallmark’s business is built on helping people form emotional connections that lead to making a genuine difference in the lives of others. That’s true not only of our products but also of the way we create them. As part of this commitment, we invite you to view our most recent Caring in Action Social Responsibility Report.

When you work with Hallmark, you are not only investing in an effective service for your company, you are investing in your community and making a difference all at the same time. Visit our Why Hallmark page for more details.