Boost Health Plan Loyalty with Hallmark Greeting Cards

Jada Sudbeck
Hospital Professionals Lifestyle Image

Hallmark greeting cards are your secret to boosting member retention. With products that consistently satisfy recipients and outperform other direct mail formats, you can trust that Hallmark cards are opened, read, understood and acted on.

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89% of Hallmark card recipients give the highest possible satisfaction rating on surveys.

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Every little bit helps! Plans rated with 5 or 4.5 stars garner significantly higher loyalty than even those with 4 stars.

SOURCE: Deft Research

Check out four ways you can use Hallmark cards to build relationships with members and boost loyalty.

Educate Members on Plan Benefits

Common characteristics of loyal health plan members are familiarity with and confidence in their chosen health plan.

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87% of Loyal members are “very” or “extremely” confident they are enrolled in the right plan compared to only 29% of At-Risk members.

What can a provider do with this knowledge? Focus on ensuring members understand what is included in their health plan and how to take advantage of all it offers.

A Hallmark greeting card can help explain plan benefits or highlight features they may not be aware of yet. Use coordinated inserts to deter shopping by reaching out to members and inviting them to a meeting—live or virtual—where you can nurture relationships, answer questions and review benefits.

Example Greeting Card and Insert Pre-AEP Greeting

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Connect before AEP when your current members may be considering other options. Building relationships at this critical stage is key in discouraging disenrollment.

Increase Participation in Health Activities

One of the best ways for health plans to boost member loyalty is closing gaps.

Members who are up to date on preventative screenings and services generally give their plans higher CAHPS survey ratings and are more likely to stick with their current insurer.

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Members are more likely to derive value from and see value in their coverage when they utilize more services.

Hallmark greeting cards are a personal and effective way to encourage members to get the care they need and increase loyalty. Vary messages based on demographics and the season to motivate members to take a range of actions.

Whether you hope to see members schedule wellness visits and preventative screenings or even get their annual flu vaccination, Hallmark cards are a unique way to communicate and break through the clutter of typical insurance direct mail pieces.

Grow Awareness of Incentive Programs

What’s more satisfying than maintaining your health? Being rewarded for it!

Incentive programs empower better health outcomes and boost loyalty by getting members deeply engaged with their insurer’s services. Many health plans have invested significant resources into designing and maintaining incentive-based health and wellness programs, but are they paying off?

Having these programs available is certainly beneficial. In fact, some research indicates that the availability of incentive-based programs has a positive impact on members’ perceptions of their insurer even if they opt not to participate.

Results are even stronger when members do opt in. From 2020 to 2021, there was a 5% increase in participation in incentive-based health and wellness programs among members whose insurers had such an offering. Members who participate are generally pleased with their experience. Roughly 40% of members reported feeling “extremely” satisfied with their incentive-based program in 2021.

With these results in mind, it’s not surprising that among those who do not have access to a health and wellness incentive program, 28% indicated being “very” or “extremely” interested in such an option.

All trends signal members are opting in, enjoying, and seeking out more incentive-based programs. With Hallmark greeting cards, insurers can respond accordingly and meet this demand.

Hallmark cards and inserts stand out in members’ mailboxes and will help recipients take notice of unique information educating them about opportunities to take advantage of incentive programs.

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41% of members in 2021 were unsure if their insurer even offered an incentive-based health and wellness program.

Health plan members have made it clear that incentive programs are important to them, their satisfaction and their loyalty. Don’t miss your chance to ensure they’re aware of all your company offers.

Humanize Your Health Plan

Navigating health insurance plans can often make members feel overwhelmed and like just another number. Your company can set itself apart by fostering sincere, emotional connections through Hallmark greeting cards.

Putting a personal touch on professional communications is a great way to start, but why stop there? Expand card sending to include occasions that celebrate diversity and cultural traditions. By meeting members where they are, you’ll deepen relationships.

Multi Cultural Holiday Cards

Birthday cards are another great option for delivering a personal experience that makes members feel celebrated.

Health Plan Birthday Cards

Greeting cards especially have a profound effect on seniors who experience high rates of loneliness.

The birthday card you sent warmed my heart. Thank you. It was the only birthday card I received this year.

Hallmark Card Recipient
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55% of people say direct mail combats social isolation.

SOURCE: USPS Market Research & Insights

When it comes to member satisfaction and loyalty, Hallmark greeting cards can help you see results.

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One HBC client found retention rates were 10% higher when they mailed Hallmark cards in an extensive 5-year study.

SOURCE: Client-reported results

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