Use Big Data to Launch a Direct Marketing Strategy That Works

Tiffany Edwards
Male in wheelchair on laptop in meeting

We live in a society driven heavily by numbers, analytics and cold, hard facts. Big data is particularly vital for companies eager to supercharge their marketing efforts and gain an advantage over the competition. That’s because consumers have become increasingly selective in the products and services they buy as well as the messages they read or listen to.

From text messages to emails to direct mail, shoppers are constantly bombarded with promotional material. The reality is that much of it is completely ignored.

So how do you make sure your company’s message doesn’t fall on deaf ears?

The solution is simple. Adopt a data-driven marketing strategy—one that ensures you’re marketing to the right consumer at the right time under the right conditions. Companies who do are six times more likely to be profitable year over year.


A company with a data-driven marketing strategy is 6X more likely to be profitable year over year.


Why Data Science is Important in Direct Marketing

Personalization is one of the key tenants of effective marketing. Using data science allows you to customize and personalize your marketing message or format based on the preferences and demographics of your consumer.

A report by Salesforce found that 52% consumers say they’re likely to switch brands if a company doesn’t personalize communications to them. So if your company is lacking in this area, it could very well be losing out on opportunities to grow.

Customers crave a more personalized experience, and big data can help companies provide that by helping those companies understand:

  • What drives a consumer to buy

  • What their spending habits look like

  • What products/services a consumer is most interested in

  • When a consumer is most likely to buy

  • What marketing format to utilize

How to Make Big Data Work For You in Direct Mail and Beyond

STAT 49 percent

49% of marketers use data to enhance their customer experience.


DMA reports that 49% of marketers today use data analytics to enhance their customer experience. In addition to being useful to consumers, this information can also help businesses develop more engaging, personalized direct mail strategies by:

1. Understanding the consumer’s shopping behavior

The right data can let your company know precisely how customers discover, buy and engage with a product or brand. Companies can then take that information to generate campaigns specifically around their interests, increasing the company’s chance for potential leads, sales and referrals.

2. Understanding the consumer’s website activity

The right data can help you determine what products certain consumers look for when on your company’s website. It can also help determine how often they revisit a product’s page. If these consumers have made prior purchases on your site or have signed up for your company’s email list, their saved contact information makes creating a personalized marketing message even easier.

3. Understanding the consumer’s social media activity

Companies can learn a lot about consumers who follow their social media accounts. These individuals who either “like” or “follow” a company clearly want to learn more about them as well as stay up-to-date with any relevant company news. Consumers who engage regularly with a company on social media are often ideal targets for personalized marketing pieces.

Using Your Data in a Direct Mail Strategy

Direct mail has a ten times higher response rate than paid search, social media and email marketing. However, it’s no longer a “one size fits all” game. Using the same message with every one of your consumers won’t get you very far. It must be one of a kind.

Try using predictive models, such as the following data points, in your direct mail strategy:

  • Traditional

  • Attrition

  • Loyalty

  • Retention

How can you realistically make your marketing message unique to each and every customer?

It’s easy when you use a Hallmark card in tandem with big data.


One of the most effective direct mail formats today is a genuine, authentic Hallmark card. While traditional mail gets about a 5% response rate, a Hallmark card receives a 22% response rate. A Hallmark card can help you break through the clutter, foster loyalty and increase ROI. We can also help you couple your consumer data with the right card, the right message, the right insert/additional information and the right timing to ensure the strongest direct mail response rate and ROI you’ve ever had.

We’re more than a greeting card company. We are your go-to source for promoting your company’s services, sales and discounts, news and more—all while adding that much-needed personal touch.


When was the last time you received a Hallmark card…and didn’t open it? Our cards are instantly recognized, and when it comes to increasing customer loyalty and retention, our product has proven effective time and time again. Ready to transform your direct marketing strategy? Contact us today to learn how we can help.

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