Hallmark Greeting Cards Improve Client Retention and Agent Engagement

Mariah Olson
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After The Great Recession of 2008, coupled with the knowledge that it costs seven to nine times more to attract a new client than to retain one, a national financial services company decided to revisit its overall client experience and its impact on retention. The company knew that in order to retain its existing client base, it was time to do something different.

The financial services company enlisted the help of Hallmark Business Connections, and together, the two focused on client “inflection points”—those times in life when relationships are impacted the most. These “inflection points” represented a major client retention opportunity for the brand because the company found that if clients felt unappreciated during an important period, then they were more likely to leave.

Agents and advisors who sent an annual Hallmark custom holiday card during the Thanksgiving time frame saw almost a full percentage point decrease in cancellations.

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When your agent sends you an early birthday card. Shoutout to the coolest insurance company!

To learn how the company improved retention and overall agent engagement, get the full case study here.

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