How To Get Your Direct Mail Opened, Read and Responded To

Daryl Forkell
G 3 icons blue background envelope Hi card line graph

Direct mail is a powerful thing. Findings from the 2017 DMA Statistical Fact Book (Response Rate Report) show that direct mail has the highest response rate (5.1%) compared to other media types including email (0.6%), paid search (0.6%), online display (0.2%) and social media (0.4%).

As businesses, organizations, marketers and salespeople, we all go to great lengths to find innovative ways to entice our customers to open our mail, read it and respond to it. It’s still a challenge to stand out from more than twelve million coupons, offers, catalogs and other pieces of direct mail that are sent every year. Not to mention over ten thousand other types of marketing messages we are bombarded with every day.

But as with many things, sometimes the simplest solution is perhaps the most effective.

Recent findings prove that sending something as simple as a Hallmark greeting card can be one of the best ways to get your marketing message opened, read, responded to and appreciated. Hallmark greeting cards have been found to increase response rates and customer experience satisfaction scores as well as make audiences feel more connected to the sending company’s brand.

Intrigued? View the Hallmark Business Connections infographic below for more statistics and information about greeting card marketing strategies. To learn more about Hallmark Business Connections employee and customer engagement solutions, we invite you to get in touch with us or send us an email.


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