Connecting with Customers Through the Feel-Good Power of Empathy

We care about our employees. We truly value our customers. We read it in almost every Fortune 500 mission statement in one form or another. And yet…
"In 2019, for example, the Forrester CX Index™ revealed that a majority of companies were stuck, failing to improve their CX scores in any meaningful way. While the 2020 CX Index showed that companies did significantly better (27% achieved a higher score year over year), CX remains a challenge by so many."
The challenge to differentiate based upon customer experience doesn’t always necessarily take a 4-year degree or many of the other things we see listed in our job requirements. It takes emotional intelligence with a good dose of empathy.
Empathy, the capacity to share and understand another’s state of mind, doesn’t come naturally to everyone, but it can be developed. Studies show that the “thinking” and “feeling” parts of our brain learn differently with the more emotional side requiring a “hands-on” approach.* If employees are given a chance to repeatedly act in an empathetic manner, your chances of achieving a differentiated customer experience increase dramatically.
Our Customer Care Solution gives employees a tangible way to care about the people they talk to every day with a Hallmark card and in doing so, feel even better about their work. As they participate, they begin to listen to customers with a more heightened awareness. And because they’re able to react with empathetic, heartfelt gestures, they create an experience as rewarding to the employee as they are to the customer.
Differentiated customer experiences can’t be created without an emotionally intelligent approach on the part of the business. In the following video, “Connecting with Customers Through Empathy,” we share practical tips to help boost your organization’s emotional intelligence and business results. Plus, you’ll get to see the amazing artistry of one of Hallmark’s best.
To learn more about how to utilize emotional intelligence in your marketing strategy, get the full whitepaper here.
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