11 Steps to Master Empathetic Marketing Right Now

Customers, employees, prospects and coworkers tend to get caught up in the blur of life. As marketers that makes it exceedingly difficult to capture and hold the attention of target audiences. And when many consumers are actively attempting to push marketing and advertising out of their lives, marketers can become frustrated with low engagement numbers and decreasing ROI.
Consumers want to simplify their lives and pay attention to the things that really matter to them. Marketers want to connect with consumers in real, meaningful ways. The best way to achieve both is through empathy.
Discover the 11 steps that will help you master empathetic marketing right now, with inspiration from Harvard Business Review.
11 Steps to Add Empathy to Your Marketing Now
Don’t waste your customers’ time. Is what you are sending or saying important to them?
Adjust your tone. Do you sound corporate or do you sound like a neighbor?
Say “thank you” and mean it. Do you say thanks sincerely and without strings attached
Use personalization respectfully. Don’t phone it in with a simple %FirstName%. Find meaningful ways to make them feel like an individual.
Go for the feeling. Plan a marketing touchpoint that aims to make the recipient feel good.
Make your marketing a part of your customer experience. Don’t keep the two completely separate.
Promote cause marketing. And don’t be shy about it!
Add employees’ empathetic perspectives. Share behind-the-scenes content with your customers.
Show your product’s (or service’s) impact. Does your product or service make life more meaningful? Use your marketing to show how.
Be human. Celebrate, mourn and apologize with your customers.
Show sustainability. Show how your company supports this effort both economically and environmentally.
Click here to get our whitepaper titled The Marketer’s Guide to Using Empathy to Create Great Customer Experiences.
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