Hallmark has solutions for health plans.

Hallmark cards are proven to increase quality scores for STARS, CAHPS, HEDIS, and HOS, while also improving member satisfaction, loyalty, and retention.

Health Plans Card Product

Brands like these appreciate the power of a Hallmark card.

Aetna Logo
Atrio Logo
BCBS of Alabama 600 x 600
BCBS of Arizona
BCBS of Minnesota Logo
Care Source Logo
Centene Logo
Cigna Logo
Elevance Health Logo
Florida Blue Logo

Want relationships that grow and last? Hallmark can help.

Increase CAHPS Scores

Leverage that “feel good” feeling of receiving a Hallmark card to make a meaningful connection with your members and increase your survey results.

89 Percent Purple Icon

89% of Hallmark card recipients give the highest satisfaction rating on surveys.

SOURCE: Health Plan-reported results
Increase CAHPS Scores Card Product | Health Plans
76 Percent Red Icon

76% of members who received carrier outreach are loyal to their plan.

SOURCE: Deft Research

One of our clients that fields 5,000 calls a day reported that 89% of Hallmark card recipients give the highest satisfaction rating on surveys.

Hallmark cards are designed to evoke strong emotional responses, enhancing the personal connection between health plans and their members. You can also include an insert with information as a powerful tool to educate members about healthcare services and improve CAHPS outcomes.

Whether it was contact through chatting with Customer Service, direct mail or email notifications, Medicare Advantage members value communication from their insurer that is consistent and easy to understand.

Optimize HOS Results

Since CMS has triple weighted the Medicare Health Outcomes Survey (HOS) in calculating overall Star Ratings, it’s now more important to engage with members during July before the annual survey begins.

25 Percent Increase Purple Icon

25% increase in member satisfaction scores

SOURCE: Health Plan-reported results
HOS Preconditioning Card Product Image
Loyalty Empathy Icon

71% of high utilizers are considered to be loyal to their health plan where 61% of low utilizers are considered to be loyal.

SOURCE: Deft Research

Sending a Hallmark card at the right time can make a memorable impression and increase your plans survey results.

See your Healthy Outcome Survey results positively rise by timing the perfect greeting card with a "take care of your health" message around fall prevention, urinary incontinence and staying physically active.

Low utilizers tend to be less trustful of health authorities and health information, while also at higher risk of attrition. Supporting members to obtain the care they need is a win-win for members and insurers.

Increase Retention during Open Election Period

Hallmark cards have been proven to combat rapid disenrollment during OEP when sent at just the right time with a thoughtful message.

2x Increase Blue Icon

Competition has doubled in 6 years. The average Medicare beneficiary has access to 33 Medicare Advantage plans in 2021.

SOURCE: KFF Kaiser Family Foundation Analysis of CMS'S Landscape Files for 2010-2021
Improve Retention Card Product Photo | Health Plans
75 Percent Purple ICON

75% of card recipients feel more connected to health plans that send Hallmark cards.

SOURCE: Client-reported Results

Medicare Advantage members are bombarded with competitive marketing. It's important to humanize your health plan to deter members from switching.

Engaging with members in early January enhances the way members feel about their health plan, resulting in improved loyalty and retention.

According to card recipients, they prefer a Hallmark card over other greeting card brands, making us the perfect fit for your campaigns.

Retention is crucial because competition has doubled during the past 5 years, with some markets offering Medicare Advantage from more than 40 health plans.

From their longitudinal study spanning 5 years, a national carrier using more than 10 million Hallmark cards annually, reported that Hallmark card recipients have a 16% higher retention rate compared with non-Hallmark card recipients.

Most common member engagement touchpoints for Hallmark greeting cards include Welcome, OEP, Birthday, Pre-AEP, Thanksgiving

44 Percent Blue Icon

A health plan provider was able to get as much as 44% of their recipients to complete a healthy action with a Hallmark card.

SOURCE: Health Plan-provided Results
Optimize Lead Generation Card Product Image
Open Rate Icon

95% of Hallmark cards get opened versus 35% of other direct mail formats.

SOURCE: Hallmark Consumer Insights Study

While direct mail overall has a higher response rate than digital, Hallmark cards have consistently outperformed controls to drive more leads.

From the Deft Research Study MA Shopping and Switching During AEP it was reported that of all members that shopped during AEP, 49% did their shopping between November 15th and December 5th. With 3 weeks remaining in AEP, mailing a personalized Hallmark Thanksgiving card improves retention.

Direct mail has a higher open rate than digital mediums. Hallmark cards have a dramatically higher open rate than most direct mail, getting your content the views and responses your business needs.

Hallmark has solutions for health plans.

Break Through

A Forrester study revealed that emotion, defined as how people feel about a given experience, was the most influential factor affecting customer loyalty in 17 out of 18 industries. There is no industry more influenced by emotion than health care. When emotion is a building block of member experience and loyalty, you must engage using emotional intelligence. If you're looking to improve member experience and retention, consider the power of personalized Hallmark cards to enhance your member engagement strategy.

STAT 86 percent

We mailed 300,000 Hallmark cards to members in February and followed up with a survey. 86% of Hallmark card recipients felt their health plan really cares about them and 72% felt the message inside the Hallmark cards was very meaningful.


Hallmark has a print-on-demand solution for your call center reps and clinical care managers. Surprise and delight your members and connect with them emotionally by mailing personalized Hallmark greeting cards 1:1 from your call center reps or case managers. This leads to improved CX, increased CAHPS scores, and improved retention.

89 Percent Purple Icon

89% of Hallmark card recipients give the highest satisfaction rating on surveys.

source: Health Plan-reported results

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