Mail to One

Look for the envelope icon to find cards you can personalize for one recipient and have Hallmark stamp and mail for you.

97 Results
97 Results



Price Tier

Card Size


Personalization Options


Automated Mailings

$1.88 | As low as $1.15
$1.88 | As low as $1.15
$1.88 | As low as $1.15
$1.88 | As low as $1.15
$1.88 | As low as $1.15
$1.88 | As low as $1.15
$1.88 | As low as $1.15

Everything You Need to Know about Mail to One

What is Mail to One?

Mail to One is your easy, fast and flexible solution for on-demand sending to customers or employees when a bulk order of cards isn’t needed.

What occasions should I use this service for?

Mail to One is Hallmark Business Connections’ (HBC) ultimate handwritten cards service for personalized communication with your business contacts. That makes it perfect for specific messages to one person, such as a wedding card for sending well wishes, a sympathy card to express condolences or a birthday card mailing.

When do Mail to One cards arrive?

This customizable greeting card service gets cards in the mail the next business day or gives the option to schedule more than two weeks in advance. Cards are sent with first class postage. You can always check your order status in your account on the Order History tab.

What will Mail to One cards and envelopes look like?

Mail to One cards can be personalized just like any other card you purchase from Hallmark Business Connections. You can select an inside message, write a personal message, add a signature and upload your logo. All Mail to One cards are delivered in mocha-colored envelopes.

How do I use Mail to One?

Here's a quick step-by-step guide to placing a Mail to One order.