Welcome Cards

9 Results
9 Results



Price Tier

Card Size


Personalization Options


$1.88 | As low as $1.15
$1.88 | As low as $1.15
$1.88 | As low as $1.15

Female smiling and laughing with friend

Hallmark Cards Are a Customer Experience

An envelope that stands out in the mail. An unexpected card sitting on your desk as you arrive for your first day at a new job. The Hallmark seal that you can’t wait to unstick to see who was thoughtful enough to give you a card. A Hallmark welcome card makes new employees, clients and customers fee…
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Welcome Cards are Human Moments Wrapped in Hallmark Envelopes

Why do companies use welcome cards for new employees?

Savvy people managers know that getting a group to gel is the first step to creating a high-performing team. When human resources, the hiring manager or teammates make a new staff member feel at ease with a “welcome to the team” card, it drives the way in which the new employee builds relationships with their team and employer.

What's the difference between a new client and a new customer welcome card?

It’s semantics. A new client welcome card is basically the same as a customer welcome card. Industries that provide services, like insurance and wealth management, often use the word clients when referring to their customers.

How do businesses use client welcome cards to grow sales and referrals?

Some companies use client welcome cards to get a new relationship off on the right foot, similar to how companies use new employee welcome cards. Businesses also give special offers to new clients or customers in their welcome cards to encourage their second and third transactions, or to utilize a service they just purchased. Some agents and advisors also find it easier to ask for referrals after a welcome card solidifies a new relationship.