Why Life-Event Marketing Should Be Part of Every Veterinary Marketing Plan

Dogs star in family photos. Cats bask and play in multilevel towers. Bunnies enjoy fresh-cut snacks while inside custom-built runs. Their smitten human companions wouldn’t have it any other way.
Knowing this, veterinary professionals have learned to cater to the “pet parent” mentality. Accordingly, practice teams refer to their patients by first names, talk to the cats and dogs during appointments, and show lots of courtesy and understanding when speaking about difficult end-of-life options.
Yet, few veterinary practices celebrate or recognize pet life events — birthdays, anniversaries and sorrowful occasions, for example. These are missed opportunities to do something incredibly touching for your clients. By celebrating the life events and milestones of pets, veterinary teams can increase client loyalty, generate referrals and reduce missed appointments.
Read more about how to make life-event marketing part of your marketing strategy on Today's Veterinary Business.
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